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Holistic Wealth Advisory Approach You Can Count On

Helping you to focus on creating more of life’s happy moments

What Our Holistic Approach Means for You

Cash Flow & Goals Planning

We help you focus on creating more of life's happy moments by aligning your money and assets to your cash flow needs and goals. 

We help you with:

  • Optimizing your cash reserves
  • Planning for 'lifestyle moments' like your children's college, caregiving for aging parents, new vacation homes or business ventures
  • Analyze existing debt with alternatives that may free up more cash flow
  • Gain clarity on where to best allocate your savings  
  • Guidance for life's changes such as promotions, inheritances, etc.
  • Complimentary access to award-winning wealth building habits and education app for your next generation 18-30.

Sample Guide

Risk Protection Planning


All the best planning and investments can easily crumble during unprotected catastrophic events, so we help you plan for a solid foundation to your financial house.

We annually review changes and whether you have the sufficient protection from possible catastrophic events that may ruin your financial sustainability. 

We conduct an annual Financial Household Fire Drill assessment, including benefits review, to understand and help protect against the ‘What-If’s in life such as: 

  • loss of your life or a loved one
  • disability and loss of ability to earn income
  • job loss
  • loss of home
  • loss of health

Estate & Generational Wealth Planning


Beyond the concerns of avoiding probate, we focus on your concerns about: “Will my family be okay if I’m gone?”.  

We perform an annual review of your estate plan to reflect asset and family changes so you may be prepared at anytime for the unexpected without burdening your loved ones. 

We review your:

  • wealth transfer strategy
  • tax implications
  • beneficiaries are correct and assigned to  help mitigate issues or probate
  • your wishes are clearly written and easily understand by everyone

As a client, you receive Complimentary Access to an award-winning estate planning engine, powered by Wealth.com, to help you maintain clear and written documentation regarding your family’s estate plan and protection for your desired wishes that. 

Tax Planning: Proactive Ongoing Approach

When 30%+ of your money goes to taxes, a proactive approach to optimizing your tax profile may produce considerable benefits for you and your loved ones.

We have a special focus on proactive tax planning to help you with tax-smart strategies that may preserve capital, defer taxes on gains, or build a more tax-free retirement.  

We perform a Tax Profile Analysis to focus on:

  • uncovering potential current or lifetime tax savings 
  • tax-smart trust strategies
  • tactical capital gain deferrals of highly appreciated assets
  • ROTH conversion strategy
  • supporting your CPA during filing season with a Tax Letter documenting money moves implemented (for managed investment clients)
  • improving tax efficiency of RMD distributions
  • managing for tax bracket changes

Sample Demo Annual Tax Analysis 

Sample Tax Letter for Your CPA

Retirement Income Strategy

We specialize in retirement income strategies because the distribution of wealth is a very different approach than accumulation of wealth.

We maintain a long-term perspective of providing for your future-self and when you want to be ’work-optional’ by continually planning for optimal solutions towards the following risks:

  • Risk of outliving your assets
  • Risk of experiencing major market crash
  • Risk of not being able to maintain your lifestyle due to inflation
  • Risk of major health expenses

We specialize in helping you transition from wealth accumulation to wealth distribution with a more sustainable monthly income.  


Investment Management

We provide you with a collaborative, tax-smart, institutional-caliber support, from a more personalized boutique experience.

As the fiduciary to your wealth plan, we take a planning-first approach towards your investments to create solutions that are in your best interest. No sales quotas, no commission. Just YOU!

Michelle Gordon, a 18 year award-winning financial professional, serves at the helm of your client relationship as your fiduciary, orchestrating your wealth plan:

  • Applying her 14+ years of ETF expertise with deep ETF analytics to uncover optimal ETF fund managers across the 3,500 ETF universe 
  • Industry-leading specialist teams for high-net-worth and non-profit clients including:
    •  SEI Private Trust Company (known for managing assets for corporations like Mercedes Benz and Smucker)
    • Buckingham (recently voted #10 in 2023 by Forbes with oversight on over $22 billion)
  • Accessible Direct Indexing capabilities for clients with concentrated positions, sensitive tax situations, and more via Altruist
  • Award-winning technology to help create greater efficiencies including integrating 401k management
  • Access to institutional private market solutions for accredited investors 
  • Industry-leading institutional cash solutions for optimizing cash
  • Fiduciary standard of care to act in your best interest as the core to our relationship

Explore how we may help to make a difference. Let's start with learning about you.

Free Profile Risk Analysis

Charitable & Philantropic Legacy

We help you align your wealth with your impact by making use of tax-smart charitable strategies  such as:

  • Donor Advised Funds
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Qualified Charitable Distributions

For non-profit clients, we support you with education to your donor base on how to give with greater impact, fiduciary investment management and institutional cash solutions with greater FDIC coverage to protect your cash flow needs.

Business Owners Specialized Planning 

We understand that your business is likely your biggest asset and core to the sustainability of your retirement and your family's legacy.

We help you optimize your income, savings, valuations, and business exit for your retirement by creating tax-smart approaches to:

  • Business retirement program for you and your employees with retirement savings 
  • Optimizing personal income and access to capital
  • Prepare for business exits or windfall paydays through advanced trust and tax strategies
  • Protection for unplanned exits
  • Preservation of family legacy
  • In-house business valuation estimates (Additional fees apply)
  • Specialized 21-months guided program with defined steps to help you boost your business valuation (Additional fees apply)

Sample Business Valuation Analysis

Real Estate Investor Specialized Planning

We understand the role that real estate has in building generational wealth, so provide specialized planning to help you:

Optimize your real estate asset income across public and institutional private fund options

Plan for tax-smart approaches to selling real estate with:

  • Tax-deferral strategies
  • Trust strategies 
  • Qualified opportunity zones
  • 1031-exchanges

High Net Worth Specialized Support

Understanding the complexities that comes with growing, preserving, and distributing wealth beyond $10 million, we provide additional support such as:

  • Wealth transfer strategies support prior to 2026 sunset estate laws 
  • Optimizing your cash reserves and protection up to $100 million in FDIC coverage through our partnership with StoneCastle
  • Preserving portfolios and lending fee reduction by utilizing securities-backed lines of credit (SBLOC) for purchases 
  • Access to specialized teams and alternative solutions including private markets, credit, fixed income ladders 

Award-Winning Personal Wealth Dashboard


Always know where everything is. Ongoing review, tasks, files remain organized in your own personal hub.

We would love to meet you!

Experience is Everything