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You only get one life.

Make it a great one.

Protect & Grow Your Prosperity to

Create More of Life’s Happy Moments


Book Your Free Virtual Call Today

Are You Experiencing …

  • Losing too much of your high-earning income to taxes 
  • Sudden wealth event (inheritance, IPO, divorce, widowhood) 
  • Want your free time back by delegating to a trusted expert 
  • Dream of early retirement or peace of mind of being ‘work-optional’
  • Need advanced wealth protection and income strategies
  • Care to make greater impact with your money  

We are a wealth management and investment firm dedicated to a holistic planning-first approach.

Freeing You to Focus on What Truly Matters

Count on us to guide you and manage your wealth so you are free to focus on enjoying and maintaining a sustainable life of abundance and happy moments 

Helping you be intentional with money so you can focus on what matters most.Help you be intentional with money so you can focus on what matters most. Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

How We Help You

Our client journey begins with an in-depth planning process where we take the time to understand your financial goals, current situation, and dreams

Financial Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Financial Planning

Guiding you to be intentional with money and measuring progress.

Retirement Income Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Retirement Income Planning

Protecting against outliving your assets.

Investment Management Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Investment Management 

Quieting the noise around investing and improving portfolio efficiencies.

Insurance Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Estate & Wealth Transfer Planning

Bringing clarity and creating a wealth transfer strategy.

Tax Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Proactive Tax Planning

Improving tax efficiency across household assets and portfolio investments.

Generational Wealth Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Business Exit Planning

Helping business owners prepare for their next phrase in a tax-efficient manner. 

Insurance Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Risk Protection Planning

Helping you protect against financial storms with a clear strategy in place. 

Tax Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Charitable Planning

Help charitable-minded individuals give more tax-efficiently and with greater value. 

Generational Wealth Planning Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

Business Retirement Plans  

Helping business owners optimize retirement savings for themselves and their employees.  

Michelle Gordon, AIF®

Founder & CEO

Se Habla Español

Meet Michelle

  • Accredited Investment Fiduciary

  • STEVIE Award Winner

  • Featured Expert on ComercioTV's Monday Stock Market Closing Bell show

A trusted partner that sees you

As a mother, a first-generation professional, business owner, person of color, and immigrant, these various viewpoints enable me to comprehend and value the diverse challenges, persistence, resilience, and drive that my clients demonstrate to achieve the remarkable success they have attained in their professions and businesses.” - Michelle Gordon

I am an award-winning financial professional with 18 years of experience, an ETF expert, and an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF).

Investably LLC is one of the few minority-women-owned wealth management firms in the country.

I founded my practice to serve a select number of clients on a deeper holistic level by managing your financial big picture to create better alignment across your income and wealth so you can get back time and focus on creating happy moments.

I also serve as a featured expert every Monday on ComercioTV’s market closing bell show, the only 24/7 Spanish-speaking financial news network in the US.

I may provide greater optimization value to clients who are:

  • paying nearly $100,000+ in annual taxes
  • retiring in 0 to 12 years
  • have experienced sudden wealth
  • affluent women-led households facing longevity issues specific to women
  • families, spanning first and second generations, who have amassed or saved assets exceeding $1 million
  • high-income earners serious about creating sustainable lifetime income

    Inside Look at How We Support You

    Taking care of those who need you most requires you taking care on your self first. Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

    Why Choose Us?

    Collaborate with a fiduciary for consistent guidance and expertise on building prosperity and wealth for you and your loved ones

    Access to Institutional High-Yield Cash  

    Protect and grow your cash reserve income and protection with access to leading institutional cash solutions

    Access to Award-Winning Estate Hub

    Protect your legacy and assets with  complimentary foundational estate documents via your complimentary access to Wealth.com

    Access to Award-Winning Wealth Hub 

    Get empowered to make impactful financial decisions with real-time insights and organization of your financial life 

    AWARD-WINNING Strategic Partners

    Riskalyze Logo Bethesda, MD Investably LLC
    Riskalyze Logo Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

    55 I P Logo Bethesda, MD Investably LLC

    From Real Life Questions to Empowered and Insightful Financial Decisions

    We help you with a personalized planning-first approach to support your wealth and investment decisions

    "Will we run Out of money In retirement?”

    ”Are we prepared for the impact of losing a spouse?”

    “How can we set up an inheritance for our kids?” 


    "How can I keep more of my money from taxes?”

    ”How can I become work-optional so I can have the freedom to leave work if I want to?” 

    "How Can I use the income or sale of my business to create lifelong monthly income?  

    “How can I protect my family if something happens to me?"  

    You earn a high income but keeping it matters too.

    Download your free before and after Comparison Guide to learn how the Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA) 2026 sunset may impact you. 


    As Seen In:

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    Morningstar Logo
    Market Watch Logo
    Seeking Alpha Logo

    Investors Observer Logo

    Latinas in Business Logo
    PR Newswire Logo
    Helping our clients make their money work harder for them.

    -Michelle Gordon, Founder

    Taking care of those who need you most requires you taking care on your self first. Bethesda, MD Investably LLC